
Data Logging Software

Data Logging Software

At Weighing Solution and Instrumentation, we are continuously working to make the weighing easier and up to date with the technological advances. We have Data Logging Software for the range of our USB enabled or Network enabled (Wi-Fi or Ethernet) digital weighing scales and system.

Our software, WSI Logging Manager for USB / and RS-232 enabled weighing scales and WSI Network logging manager for Wi-Fi and Ethernet enabled weighing scales and system.

WSI Com Port Logging Manager:

WSI Logging manager is Data Logging Software for USB and RS-232 type weighing scales and systems. These system have USB or RS-232 interface for PC connectivity. This USBĀ  and RS-232 interface is available in both wired and wireless options. In wireless connections, there is not wired connection between the weighing scale and the PC. There is a transmitter in the Scale and receiver at the PC end. The data is transmitted wirelessly and is logged in the Excel file in the PC.

The data logging software is very easy to use and user friendly. Just a few settings and the data logging software is ready to log the data. Our scales have option to select the data transfer protocol from Continuous, Auto and Manual.

In continuous mode, the data is transmitted continuously to the PC at the rate of 1 sample per second or 5 samples per second.

In auto mode, the scale transmits the final weight on the scale when the reading stabilizes.

In manual mode, the scale transmits the weight when a key is pressed on the scale.

The data logging software is common for the all three modes. The software reads the data from the data port of the weighing scale and puts it into the Text or Excel file.

Screen shots of the Software are given below:

Data logging software
DAta logging software

WSI Network Logging Manager:

WSI Network Logging Manager is data logging software for network enabled weighing scales from WSI. Network enabled weighing scale are either Wi-Fi or Ethernet enabled. The data from there scale can be logged into any PC on the same network. This software can read and log the data from 12 network enabled scales simultaneously.

The IP address of the network enabled weighing scale is used as the identifier of the scale. You can also specify a Name to the particular IP address and software will create the sheet of this name in the excel file.

You can specify maximum of 12 IP addresses in this software along with the name for each IP address. For example, the scale with IP address is installed in the store. So, in the software, you can specify the name “Store” along with the IP and the data from this scale will be logged into the sheet named “Store” in the excel file.

This data logging software is very easy to use and user friendly. Just configure the data logging software and press the start logging button. The software will keep on logging the data in the background. You can use your PC / computer for other things as well. The software will minimize to the system trey and will continue to log the data. You can anytime maximize the software, stop logging and see the log file.

The welcome screen of the software is:

Data logging software welcome screen

Main Window of the software:

Settings tab of the software:

Trial version of these software are also available for evaluation purpose. Please drop an email to sales@wsi-scales.com to receive your evaluation copy.