
Washer Type Load Cell

Washer Type Load Cell

Model: BWT


Washer type load cell 1



Washer type load cell 2



The washer type load cell can be used as washer, sensing compression force, when utilized as a compression load cell. The load buttons supplied with washer load cell should be used. When used as a washer type load cell, the set of spherical washers should be used on one side of the washer type load cell and a flat washer on the other side. While choosing a flat washer, make sure that the inner diameter of the flat washer is less than the diameter of the inner ring of the load washer to insure that the active ridge is seated on the flat washer.



Washer type load cell sperical washers


Input: 1o VDC (max 15 VDC)

Rated output: 2mv/v

Output resistance:350 Ohms

Accuracy: </= 3.5% of full scale output considering linearity, hysteresis and repeatability

Safe overload: 150% of rated capacity

Linearity: </= +/- 0.5% of full scale output

Repeatability: </= +/- 0.1% of full scale output

Hysteresis: </= +/- 0.5% of rated output

Operating temperature: 0 to 70 degree Celsius

Compensated temperature: 20 to 70 degree Celsius

Temperature effect on Zero: </= 0.02% of Rated output / degree Celsius

Temperature effect on Span: </= 0.05% of Rated output / degree Celsius

Calibration: 2 point NIST – Traceable Calibration

Construction Material: Stainless Steel

Cable: Insulated shield cable, 1.5 meter



Washer type load cell dimesnions