Gallery of the Images and Videos of our projects, installations and systems.
We update here pictures and videos of some of our recent installations and projects in this gallery.
If you are interested in any of the projects done by us and want more details of same, please do write back to us and we will be more than happy to help you and share the details with you. If you requirement is similar but not exactly what is being shown here, please do contact us and we will be more than happy to customize the system as per your requirement.
Video of weighing scale with USB barcode scanner connectivity (Wired Connection):
Wireless Weighing System:
Volume and Weight Measuring System
Wi-Fi Enabled weighing scale demo
Check weighing scale with tower light indication
Piece counting scale with Check weighing function and Tower light indication
Hydraulic Floor Testing Rig (Click on Image to open in new tab)
Milk Tank Weighing System (Click on Image to open)
Tank Weighing System installed in Fluid Flow Lab of NPL, New Delhi for Flow Meter Calibration.
Mill Scale Weighing system, PLC based
Bag Filling System
Stainless Steel Mountings for BEST-SPBB Load cells for Tank Weighing Systems:
Hardening and Tempering Furnace Feed Rate Control System:

Demo Video of the working the Furnace Feed rate control system: