Tank Weighing System
Any Existing or New Installation of Tanks can be converted into tank weighing System. The user can get the weight data on Digital indicator, In Computer System, On Mobile Device or even by SMS.
The load cells of required capacity are placed between pedestals and the tank. Now the tank is placed on the load cells and the inlet and outlet lines of the tank are also fitted with suspension bellows to enhance the performance of the system. If the outlet line (normally at the bottom of the tank) is not fitted with suspension bellows, then the performance and accuracy of the weighment will be hampered because of continuous interference caused by the pipeline.
The number of load cell depends on the number of pedestals on which the tank is mounted. If it is going to be a new installation, then the number of load cells can be changed accordingly but if the weighing system is about to fixed into and existing tank, then number of load cell will be same as the number of pedestals or mounting pillars.
Lower capacity circular tanks can be placed on three load cells but heavy and rectangular / square tanks should be mounted on minimum four load cells for providing suitable support to the tank structure and maximum number of load cells can be depending on the requirement and size of the Tank.
Our TW-07 System is designed to provide a low profile solution for high capacity vessel weighing applications. The assembly combines the compression transducer, mounting hardware with a suspension to support vessel and control the load application. This system is suitable for all indoor as well as outdoor applications. All hardware is designed according to the requirement of the system in terms of corrosive environment and any other such requirement.
Systems can also be fitted with uplift protection to protect the vessel from dismounting and also stabilizing the vessel.
The indicator part is the most vital and feature rich part of our TWT-07 system. It comes with host of welcome features. Our indicators, controllers and signal conditioners as well as convertors are based on state of the art ultra – modern technologies to cater to any level of automation and needs of the customer. Be it interlinking with PLC, Computer or automating the complete system with as many features required by the customer.
1. Big storage Tanks.
2. Mixers, Kneaders and stirrers.
3. Dissolvers.
4. Reacting and Heating Tanks.
Salient Features:
– Easy to Install in Limited Space
– Modular design for easy installation and maintenance
– Lift off Protection
– Wide temperature range available
– Resistance against vibration
– Ideally suited for any liquid or solid weighing and accurate batch preparation for batch process weighing application.
– Simple in Design, system consisting of Quality shear beam or compression load cells meeting IP-67/68 standards.
– Junction box meeting IP-65/55 standards.
– Indicator options: Simple weight display, With power on weight display (whenever the TW-07 system is turned on, the actual weight of the material in the tank is displayed), Relay outputs for filling systems and batching systems, 4-20ma, 0-10v DC, Bluetooth.
– Weather proof and Flameproof indicators available (Optional).
Technical Specifications
Rated Capacities: 1K,1.5K,2K,2.5K,3K,5K,7.5K,10K,20K,25K, 35K,50,100k Kgs.
Full scale output (Load cell): 2.0 or 3.0 mv/v
Combined error: <0.03% FSO
Non Linearity: <0.01% FSO
Hysteresis: <0.02% FSO
Creep: <0.01 in 30 Minutes (% FSO)
Non Repeatability: <0.01 % FSO
Zero Balance: <1.0 % FSO
Insulation Resistance: >1000 Megaohms at 50VDC
Temperature effect on zero: < 0.01 % FSO /Degree Celsius
Temperature effect on output: <0.001 % FSO/ Degree Celsius
Compensated Temperature Range: 10-50 Degree Celsius
Operating Temperature Range: 0-50 Degree Celsius
Safe Side load: 100% of Rated Capacity
Safe Overload: 150% of Rated Capacity
Ultimate Overload: 300% Of Rated Capacity
Stainless Steel Mountings for Tank weighing System consisting BEST-SPBB single point load cells of 5000kg each for a 10000kg tank weighing system: